Every song has a story. Most songs are written around an experience, a heart desire, a theme, or an inspirational thought. For me, when it comes to writing a song, it just seems to come to mind when I am thinking about God and in a worshipful state. Usually the song will start with a chorus idea then fill in with verses afterward. The song is usually complete within an hour or so. All my songs are dedicated to God the Father who loves me, Jesus his son who died for me, and the Holy Spirit who lives within me. I have also dedicated some of my songs to different people who have impacted my life.
Songs on OVERCOMERS album:
1. Overcomers - Someone shared a message about being an overcomer which I thought was a great theme for a song so I went home and looked up some Bible verses about being an overcomer and wrote this song.
2. You Say - My wife Sharon asked me if I would write a more upbeat song that rocks because I usually like to write slower worship songs. I came up with this swinging song which children like dancing to. Another worship leader in the church at that time was a real inspiration to me and told me that I was a psalmist like David in the Bible. He also liked to lead this song in church so I dedicate this song to fellow worship leader Billy Suchodolski. I also dedicate this song to Ed Smith of TPM and thank him for sending me a version dubbing in his harmonica.
3. I'm So Glad That I Have You - I was so overjoyed with experiencing God and having Him in my life that I wrote this song.
4. His Promises Are On The Way - I was stuck in a job which was demoralizing and was getting very depressed about it so I went to my pastor at the time and asked him to pray with me. He encourage me with a prayer and shared what God placed on his heart about coming changes. He told me that God wanted him to give me his black running shoes as a sign that God was going to open up a door and take me somewhere else. As I pondered on what I was told, on the way home the chorus to this song came to my mind and when I got home I wrote the rest of this song. Soon afterward God did open a new door for a good job and off I moved with my family to another city wearing my pastor's black running shoes. This is the second song that I recorded in 1994, I dedicate this song to that NZ pastor Greg Burson.
5. I Exalt Your Name - I was thinking of writing a praise song and using some verses that fit this theme. This song came to mind along with the tune.
6. I Love You Lord - Soon after I encountered God at 19, I wrote this worship song to God. It was one of the first gospel songs I wrote. My wife's uncle inspired me greatly and told me this is the kind of song that people could worship God with. I dedicate this song to my wife's uncle, Bob Hube.
7. By Your Blood - I was thinking of a song about what Jesus accomplished on the cross by shedding his blood and the tune and words for this song formed.
8. Worthy / Holy - I was reading the words in revelation about the angels singing Holy is the Lord and Worthy is the Lamb which formed the words to this song along with a worship tune.
9. Pour Your Love In Me - I liked the teaching of a pastor who shared about how God changes us when we continue to soak in His presence which softens our heart and changes our life that can become dry and hardened. This song and tune came to mind that followed that theme. I dedicate this song to pastor John Arnott.
10.Visit Me - Someone shared a message about how God visited people in the Bible. I pondered on a song about spending time with God with the desire to encounter his presence more. This song came to mind along with a worship tune. I dedicate this song to a NZ Vineyard overseer named Lloyd Rankin who was an encouragement to Sharon and I while we were involved in a Vineyard church plant in Tawa NZ. He was also an inspiration to us at the Harvest Conference in NZ.
11.Well Done - I was thinking of the story that Jesus shared about being a good and faithful servant. It was my desire that I would hear those very words said to me when I meet Jesus face to face some day - "Well done, good and faithful servant". This worship tune and words came together to form this song. This was the first song that I recorded in 1993. My parents and in-laws loved this song so I dedicate this song to my parents Morley and Kathy Fischer in Canada and my wife's parents Ian and Millie Crawford in NZ.
12.Becoming One (wedding song) - It was the summer of 1982 that I proposed to my wife Sharon. We got married a few months later in October and I wrote this song for our wedding which a friend sang during the signing of the register. I dedicate this song to my beautiful and wonderful wife Sharon who has stood by me through the ups and downs. I love you my precious Sharon!
13.The Messiah (Christmas Song) - I wanted to write a Christmas song that incorporated verses about Jesus birth and the reason that he was born into humanity. This song formed as a result.