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Rev 12:11 And they overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. 


Rev 21:7 And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new. ... He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son.”




1 Pet 5:8,9 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith...


MINISTRY MISSION: To help people experience God's love and a life-transforming touch by the Holy Spirit through Worship, Prayer, and sharing about Jesus.

At age 19, Ron had a radical encounter with God after reading the four gospels in a New Testament Bible and responding to Jesus' invitation. He received the Holy Spirit and fell in love with God the Creator of all things. This has happened to millions of people around the world. You can read Ron's Story by clicking here or on the Menu above and discover how you too can encounter God for yourself.


Ron is a Country Gospel, Praise & Worship, Inspirational songwriter, singer, and recording artist living in Edmonton, AB. He has been writing gospel songs ever since his radical encounter with God at age 19.

Ron has been a worship leader for over 10 years. He has recorded six albums - three with vocals and three instrumental albums and has received seven nominations and an award from GMA (Gospel Music Awards) Canada.

Since 1989 Ron has been writing Praise and Worship songs, integrating them into the repertoire as a worship leader in many church denominations over the years such as Vineyard, Baptist, Anglican, PAOC, and other non-denominational churches.

As Ron has led worship in churches he has seen God touch the hearts of those who are present. People have encountered God in a special way during worship time.

Jesus said "True worshipers will worship the Father (God) in spirit and truth" - John 4:23,24. To worship from a heart that loves God and lives for his son Jesus. This is the basis for all the songs that Ron writes and sings. His desire is that you will encounter God and be renewed in your spirit as you listen to his songs and worship along with your heart.

Ron enjoys leading worship, sharing his songs in churches, and sharing how he encountered God and how it changed his life. Ron challenges people to live for Jesus Christ with all their heart so that they are ready to meet Jesus when he returns from heaven to earth as Lord and King.

Ron's lovely wife Sharon whom he has been married to since 1982 is his best friend, backup vocalist, and fellow minister. Sharon is an effective Prayer Minister with over 40 years of experience and loves to pray for people and see God touch and transform their lives with freedom and healing.

If Ron can be of service as a guest at your church to do a congregational or special group Worship Concert and share his story or lead worship and incorporate some of his songs or do a couple of special songs during a service then please email ronfischermusic @

Ron does not charge for singing engagements however he would appreciate the ability to sell his music CDs to support this ministry. 




To Order a CD click here or go to STORE on the Menu. 

Please Share a song you like with friends.

All three albums were nominated for Inspirational Album Of The Year by GMA Canada

TO BUY A CD click STORE on the Menu

Click here to read the story behind the songs on the OVERCOMERS CD

Click here to listen/download only Praise & Worship songs

Click here to listen/download only Country Gospel songs
here to listen/download Classical Instrumental songs
Click here to listen/download Country Instrumental songs

Ron would love to receive an email about which song is your favorite or how a song touches your heart

Ron Fischer recording songs


This music ministry is supported by selling CDs at the following Venues:

1) Christian Cafe Concert 

2) Home/House Group Concert (and optional prayer ministry)  

3) Special Church Group Concert (and optional prayer ministry) - Men's group, Women's group, 50+ group, Seniors group,  Young Adults group, Youth group, or any other special group

4) Church Service, Leading Worship during regular church service 

5) Church Service, special guest to sing a song or two 

6) Church Concert (and optional prayer ministry)

If Ron can be of service as a guest at your church to do a congregational or special group Worship Concert and share his story or lead worship and incorporate some of his songs or do a couple of special songs during a service then please email ronfischermusic @
Ron does not charge for singing engagements however he would appreciate the ability to sell his music CDs to support this ministry. 


Ron Fischer in 1980

Ron has been writing gospel songs since he had a radical encounter with God at age 19 in 1979 after reading the four gospels in a New Testament Bible and responding to Jesus' invitation. (Ron at age 19 in picture)


When Ron was a child about 3 years old, his Father recorded him and his brother singing "It Is No Secret" which was the beginning point of Ron's singing. At a school talent show Ron and his brother Rick sang a song together that their Father wrote. Ron loved to go outside and sing popular songs to the family dog who seemed to always be happy to listen. Ron also sang in choirs at churches he attended into his teens.


Ron's Father and Mother had a country band as he grew up so that is why there is a country flavor to many of Ron's songs.

Ron was a drummer for many years in churches in NZ and Canada before moving to Edmonton, AB, and starting to lead worship.

In 1989 Ron felt he was to begin leading worship in church with his guitar and the help of his wife Sharon as a backup vocalist. That's when Ron began to write praise and worship songs, introducing them into the song repertoire, and noticed that people began to have encounters with God's presence during the worship time. Since then Ron has led worship and shared his songs in many different denominations such as Vineyard, Baptist, Anglican, POAC, and other non-denominational churches over the years in Canada and in New Zealand.

Ron was a worship leader for over ten years. He became the overseer of worship in a church and always told the worship team that they were not to perform but to have a heart lifted up to worship Father God and Jesus. The worship team would huddle in prayer before the service and ask for the Holy Spirit to come and change lives in the service. The Holy Spirit would come and touch people during worship time.

In 1993 and 1994, Ron recorded his first two songs (Well Done, His Promises Are On The Way) while living in New Zealand and the songs aired on national NZ Christian radio. He remembers how exciting it was sitting in the living room with his wife and children listening to the very first time the songs were played on the radio.

In 1996 Ron moved back to Edmonton with his family and led worship in several different churches since then. People continued to encounter God during worship time.  

Ron has been a computer programmer for over 30 years supporting his wife Sharon and four children.

In 2010 Ron felt it was time to begin recording more songs since his last two children were almost finished their schooling. So in Nov 2010, Ron recorded a Christmas song called 'The Messiah' which aired across Canada on Christian radio stations.

In the spring of 2011, Ron recorded his debut album OVERCOMERS which was released in June and began to air on Christian and Country radio stations around the world.

In September 2011 the OVERCOMERS album was nominated for ‘2011 Inspirational Album of the Year’ by Gospel Music Awards Canada.

In the spring of 2012, Ron created an instrumental album version of OVERCOMERS to enjoy as background music.

In the spring of 2013, Ron recorded his sophomore album YOU'RE NOT ALONE which was released in June and began to air on Christian and Country radio stations around the world.

In November 2013 the YOU'RE NOT ALONE album was nominated for ‘2013 Inspirational Album of the Year’ and the song TRUST IN THE LORD was nominated for '2013 Country/Bluegrass Song of the Year' by Gospel Music Awards Canada.

In the spring of 2014, Ron created an instrumental album version of YOU'RE NOT ALONE which was released that summer.

In the fall of 2014, Ron began recording his third album ALL I WANT TO DO which was released in June of 2015 and began to air on Christian and Country radio stations around the world.

In November 2015 the ALL I WANT TO DO album was nominated for ‘2015 Inspirational Album of the Year’ and the song YOU ARE HOLY from the instrumental album YOU'RE NOT ALONE was nominated for '2015 Instrumental Song Of The Year' and won a Covenant Award by Gospel Music Awards Canada.

In 2016 Ron created another instrumental album for ALL I WANT TO DO which was released in June 2016. In November the album was nominated for '2016 Instrumental Album Of The Year' and the song 'Doxology/Healing Song' was nominated for '2016 Instrumental Song Of The Year' by Gospel Music Awards Canada.

Ron enjoys leading worship, sharing his songs in churches, and sharing how he encountered God and how it changed his life. Ron challenges people to live for Jesus Christ with all their heart so that they are ready to meet Jesus when he returns as Lord and King.

Ron has four children who are all adults and they love to do their own musical stuff.

Ron, his wife Sharon, and his children live in Edmonton, AB, Canada



Character Reference:

Computronix Ltd, Edmonton, AB
(Ron worked for this Christian company for 15 years 1996 - 2011)
John Boonstra - Manager
"I have known Ron for several years in a work capacity. I have been his supervisor for several of those years and worked together on several projects for a number of clients. Ron has always been dedicated to living the vision of Computronix – to respect, trust and serve his coworkers and our clients. Ron has always shown dedication to the task at hand and ensured that he provides the level of service that our clients expect. Clients appreciated working with Ron as he always gave them his best. Ron is honest and loyal; a warm individual that relates well to others. Ron has integrity and has a heart for Kingdom work."

Worship Leader and Music Reference:

Arlen Salte - Worship leader, recording artist, author, founder, and Executive Director of Break Forth Canada - New Creation Ministries, Sherwood Park, AB
"When I heard Ron Fischer's music in our recording studio, I knew that this was not just another CD. This was something extra special. Ron's lyrics are filled with the truth of God's Word, his heart is clearly dedicated to Christ, his voice is rich with maturity and his songs are examples of excellent creativity. I encourage you to check out Ron's music for your next church gathering."


Pastor References:

Rev. Rick VanDerwark - Strathcona Community Church (PAOC) now C3 Church, Edmonton, AB

"I commend Ron and Sharon Fischer to you. They are faithful and effective ministers in Christ. They desire too walk in freedom and assist others to do the same. They were with us for one year (1998) and helped in prayer ministry, worship and participated in small group life. They have been exemplary in attitude and conduct."

Rev. Ian Crawford - Bible College teacher (Faith Bible College, Tauranga) and pastor of Assemblies Of God (Pentecostal) churches in NZ

"I have listened with interest and genuine appreciation to the music of Ron Fischer whom I've known for many years. For most of my life, music has played a central part. Ron is gifted with both a very rich singing voice which he uses very effectively, and creative skill in writing excellent songs, both lyrics and music.  His genuine faith expresses itself in the worship of a high order. Having listened to his CD I can highly recommend his music for broadcasting, enhancing worship in both church and home settings, or simply listening to for a pleasant ambiance."

Brian Stevenson - Lead Elder at Praise Fellowship, Cranbrook, BC (did a concert at this church)

“I’ve been listening to the Overcomers CD in my car. The words are inspiring and I sing along in worship.”

Other comments:

“I really enjoyed Ron’s music ministry. I bought a few CDs to pass on to friends. They passed on positive comments about the music, too.”  Ed, Praise Fellowship, Cranbrook, BC

“Ron’s music ministry was great. We want to see him back here again.” Pamela, Praise Fellowship, Cranbrook, BC



Ron would love to receive an email about which song is your favorite or how a song touches your heart.

If Ron can be of service as a guest at your church to do a congregational or special group Worship Concert and share his story or lead worship and incorporate some of his songs or do a couple of special songs during a service then please email ronfischermusic @ 
Ron does not charge for singing engagements however he would appreciate 
the ability to sell his music CDs to support this ministry. 

If you would like Transformation Prayer Ministry (TPM) then please email sharon_fischer @

© 2020 by Ron Fischer. Proudly created with

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